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Beretta APX

Let me begin by clarifying that this is not a full review. A full review would include detailed specs and a field strip of the handgun.

This post is about first handling the Beretta APX and then putting a few rounds through it. If I find myself the proud owner of an APX I may revisit with a full ”review”. For now, I think a quick review will suffice.

I had read about the Beretta APX a while ago when it was announced at SHOT. Initially, the looks were an acquired taste. I watched YouTube videos by some popular channels.

Then, a couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to handle one at a local gun shop in Queen Creek, AZ.

It felt comfortable in my large hands. The large slide “knubs” in person were not appalling. The factory sights afford a nice sight picture.

But, it was the dry fire that really caught my attention.

Let me set the stage: I‘ve shot a lot of Glock. I was taught and introduced to gunfighting with a Gen 3 Glock 22. Naturally, I have followed along until my current carry gun which is a Glock 17 Gen 5 MOS FS.

I haven‘t been terribly impressed with other striker fired handguns triggers. Granted, I have not tried them all. But, I have had the opportunity to shoot a variety of firearms in my career.

Glock has been the standard all other striker fired triggers are judged by.

I will try and describe in words what the APX trigger feels like.

Slight take up, very little creep, crisp break, crisp reset to the wall.

The reset takes you back to the wall.

I was impressed. It was a very nice trigger to dry fire.

Now, today, a good friend of mine just purchased an APX and brought it along on an indoor range trip we had planned for today.

And he let me shoot it.

Accruate, fast, pointable, and that trigger shined In live fire.

It‘s a nice gun to shoot. I will be getting one for my personal collection.

I think the APX is probably underrated. I’d like to get my hands on one and put some work in on it. My gut tells me I won’t be disappointed. When I do I’ll post an update.

In the meantime, you wouldn’t be wrong to try one out for yourself.

Excellence is a habit.

There‘s trained and there’s untrained.


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